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Kerrie James Publications


Wallis, A. James, K. & Rhodes, P. (in press 2024),  A Practical Guide to Family Therapy, Routledge, Taylor & Francis

James, K., Breckenridge, J., Braaf, R. and Barrett Meyering, I. (2014). Responding to Domestic Violence in the Wake of Disasters: Exploring the Effects on Services and Workers. In Roeder, L.W. (Ed.). Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies: Risks and Risk Reduction, Springer, New York, 125-138.


Sety, M., Breckenridge, J. & James, K. (2014). Understanding the risk of domestic violence during and post natural disasters: Literature Review. In Roeder, L.W. (Ed.). Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies: Risks and Risk Reduction, Springer, New York.


Breckenridge, J.,  James, K. & Salter, M. (2014). Child Sexual Abuse: the Contribution of Social Work to the Legal Process. In Day, A. & Rice, C. In the Shadow of the Law, (Revised Ed.) Federation Press. Melbourne.


Breckenridge, J., James, K. & Jops, P. (2015). Rights, Relationship and Reciprocity - Ethical Research Practice with Refugee Women from Burma in New Delhi, India. In Nakray, K. (Ed.). Social Science Research Ethics for a Globalizing World: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Routledge Advances in Research Methods.


Breckenridge, J.M., & James, K. (2012). Therapeutic Responses to Communities Affected by Disasters: The Contribution of Family Therapy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 242-256. 


Breckenridge, J.M., & James, K. (2012). Contributing to the prevention of domestic violence related homicide: a multi-systemic practice response framework. In Nakray, K. (Ed). Gender Based Violence and Public Health: International Perspectives on Budgets and Policies. Routledge, USA, 197-212. 


James, K, & MacKinnon, L (2012). Integrating a Trauma Lens into a Family Therapy Framework: Ten Principles for Family Therapists. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 189-209. 


James, K (2012). Training Burmese Refugee Counsellors in India. Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 10, 4-16. 


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2011). Establishing the Parental Hierarchy: An Integration of Milan Systemic and Structural Family Therapy. In Rhodes, P. & Wallis, A. (Eds). Working with Families, A Practical Guide, IP Communications, Sydney


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2011). The Why and How of Separate Parent Sessions in Family Therapy in Working with Families. In Rhodes, P. & Wallis, A. (Eds). Working with Families, A Practical Guide. IP Communications, Sydney.


Breckenridge, J. & James, K. (2010). Thinking About Homicide Risk: A Practice Framework for Counselling. Stakeholder Paper 9, Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse. University of UNSW.


James, K. (2010). Domestic Violence Within Refugee Families: Intersecting Patriarchal Culture and the Refugee Experience. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 31(3), 275–284.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2010). The Tip of the Iceberg: A Framework for Identifying Non- Physical Abuse in Couple and Family Relationships. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 22(2), 112-129.


Brown, J., James, K. & Taylor, A. (2010). Caught in the rejection–abuse cycle: are we really treating perpetrators of domestic abuse effectively? Journal of Family Therapy 32, 280.


Breckenridge, J. & James, K. (2009). Educating Social Work Students in Multifaceted Interventions for Trauma. Social Work Education, 29(3), 259-275.


Breckenridge, J. & James, K. (2009). Child Sexual Abuse: the Contribution of Social Work to the Legal Process. In In the Shadow of the Law. Swain. P. & Rice C., Federation Press. Melbourne


James, K. (2006). Differentiation in Couples Therapy: Revisiting the Schnarch-Hendrix Debate. Crawley, J. & Shaw, E. Couple Therapy in Australia.  Psychoz Publications, Melbourne.


James, K. (2006). The Interactional Process of Forgiveness and Responsibility: A Critical Assessment of the Family Therapy Literature. In Flaskas C, McCarthy I.C., & Sheehan, J. (eds) Hope and Despair in Family Therapy: Reflections of Adversity, Reconciliation and Forgiveness. Brunner-Routledge: East Hove and New York.


James, K. (2004). Understanding Men’s Versus Women’s Intimate Partner Violence. In Ralfs, C., Cunningham, J., Jennings, K., Breckenridge, J., & Carden, P. Point of Contact. Federal Govt. Australia.


Brown, J., James, K. and Seddon, E. (2002). The Complexity of Male Violence: Some  Psychological Factors and Their Treatment. Implications’ Family Violence and Sexual Assault Bulletin, 18(4), 7-18.


James, K. (1996). Truth or Fiction: Men as Victims of Domestic Violence? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 17(3).


James, K. (1992). Why Feminists have become Interested in Psychoanalysis - or "La Plus ‡ Change . . . ". Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 4,(3/4).


MacKinnon L. & James, K. (1992). Raising the Stakes in Child-at-Risk Cases: Eliciting and Maintaining Parents' Motivation. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 13(2), 59-71.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1992). Working with the 'Welfare' in Child-at-Risk Cases. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 13(1), 1-15.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1991). Initial Meetings in Child-at-Risk Cases: Developing a Therapist-Family Alliance. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 12(4), 175-185.


James, K. & McIntyre, D. (1990). Is Psychology a Crime too? - Further Reflections on Violence, Relationships, and Therapeutic Responses. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 11(2), 71-74.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1990). The Incestuous Family Revisited: A Critical Analysis of Family Therapy Myths. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 16(1), 71-88.


James, K. & McIntyre, D. (1989). A Momentary Gleam of Enlightenment: Towards a Model of Feminist Family Therapy. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 1(3).


James, K. (1989). When Two's are Really Three's: the Triangular Dance in  Couple Conflict. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 10(3), 179-186.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1987). The Milan Systemic Approach: Theory and Practice.  A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 8(2) 89-98.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (1986). Theory and Practice of Structural Family Therapy: Illustration and Critique. A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 7(4), 223-233.


James, K. (1984). Breaking the Chains of Gender - Family Therapy's Position?  A.N.Z. Journal of Family Therapy, 5(4).


James, K., & McIntyre D. (1983). The Reproduction of Families: The Social Role of Family Therapy? Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 9(2), 119-129.



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